Contact Us

Tours are available


We take great pride in the environment we have created, and we believe that relationships start with conversation. Our initial connection with families is often a conversation or a series of conversations with a family member by phone.

Frequently, it is because we have been recommended by a friend or acquaintance. We are happy to receive inquiries this way and you are always welcome to call us to explore your options—to discuss questions, concerns, or your family’s experience.

Once you have decided to join our community we then visit them in their home. The get together is informal. No assessments or tests are administered. We simply sit together and chat. We wish to get a better feel for an elder’s background, their current circumstances, their comforts, and their challenges. for an informal chat to understand their background, circumstances, and needs. This helps us build trusting relationships.

Families are encouraged to get in contact using the contact information or form below.


Start the conversation


Lisa Ludmer

416-631-0405 Ext. 221


General Inquiries


Tai Ma
Business Manager

416-631-0405 Ext. 222

Job Applications


Human Resources

147 Elder Street

147 Elder Street
North York, Ontario
M3H 5G9

Telephone: 416 631-0405
Fax: 416 631-0599