Our Partners
lntegracare provides the highest quality and award winning personal support services and a wide range of private nursing care for individuals in their homes, hospitals, retirement residences and long-term care facilities. Its services, have always included a wide range of related services including physiotherapy, massage therapy, foot care and other services that address the needs of their Clients while promoting joyful living and helping Integracare Clients maintain their independence and dignity.
Partners in Care
Sagecare works closely with Humber River Hospital on infection prevention and control as well as on the care and needs of our residents. Humber River Hospital provides regular infection prevention and control checkups as well as staff training opportunities. Sagecare is proud to partner with Humber River Hospital in providing the best to our residents.
Institutional Partners
Home & Community Care Support Services assists Sagecare with accessing OHIP programs for our residents as well as additional care support when necessary. Maintaining a strong relationship with Home & Community Care Support Services ensures our residents receive timely access to the services they require.
ORCA represents more than 90 per cent of all licensed retirement community suites in Ontario, employing 30,000 front-line workers caring for nearly 60,000 seniors who choose to call retirement communities their home. ORCA’s membership also includes over 220 commercial partners who provide essential products and services to retirement communities throughout the province. ORCA provides Sagecare with updates regarding government programs, new regulations, and a variety of other supports.
GTA Accessible Transportation gets our residents where they need to go. With fast and reliable wheelchair accessible transportation our residents don’t need to worry about getting to and from appointments, lunches, or just general outings.
Canadian Nurse Practitioner Services has functioned as a trusted, reliable and dependable medical services provider for the residents of Sagecare since May 2018. Our vision of delivering high quality medical services with a customer service focus, closely aligns with the Sagecare philosophy of resident centred care.

“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.”
— Andrew Carnegie